Solar Learning for Women

The training of female solar technicians strengthens the role of Kenyan women. The newly trained professionals will in turn reduce energy poverty in the region.

In Kenya, many regions still don’t have access to electricity. Access to energy is crucial to overcoming poverty and promoting sustainable development. At the same time, women in Kenya are economically disadvantaged compared to men. Earning your own money and thus achieving financial independence is an important first step towards equality.

The Solar Learning for Women project empowers women economically and gives more people access to clean energy. We aim to address the dual challenges of lack of access to energy and poverty by training women in rural Kenya in the productive use of solar technology. Solar energy should cover the increasing energy consumption so that fossil energy sources such as oil or coal and their CO2 emissions are saved.



Current project phase


Annual budget

CHF 165’000


  • Increasing the number of female solar entrepreneurs and the representation of women in Kenya’s solar sector
  • Economic empowerment of women in Kenya
  • Improved income-generating opportunities in rural areas and informal urban settlements
  • Improved access to climate-friendly energy services in rural areas and informal urban settlements


Between 2023 and 2025, three training programs will be established in Busia, Kisumu and Kilifi counties. Over the three years, 300 women will be trained in the fundamentals of solar technology, entrepreneurship and participatory methods. An emphasis of the training is on the productive use of solar energy in processing agricultural products.

Thanks to our partnerships in the local solar industry, we can support women in finding jobs after their training. Through mentorship programs, participants are also guided to further their education in an area of their choice (for example solar irrigation, solar drying, solar mills, or solar ovens).

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Project management

Florian Schlegel

Stories from Kenya

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