Solar Learning

In the Solar Learning project in Ethiopia, around 300 young adults are trained in solar technology and micro-entrepreneurship over a period of three years. The graduates will subsequently provide around 30,000 people with improved access to solar energy.

In Ethiopia, only about half of the population has access to electricity. In households not connected to the power grid, paraffin lamps, which are harmful to health and the environment, are often used to produce light. But also in urban centres, power outages are a daily occurrence.

The houses and settlements are spread over long distances in the remote highland regions. An electricity grid expansion into these regions is not foreseeable for financial and logistical reasons. Decentralised solar systems, on the other hand, offer a cost-effective and sustainable alternative. Training for solar technicians adapted to the region is essential so that the decentralised energy supply can be built up sustainably.

The Solar Learning Ethiopia project aims to train talented youth and young adults in solar technology and empower them to become qualified solar technicians or entrepreneurs in the solar industry. By providing access to solar energy, the project aims to alleviate energy poverty in off-grid communities, improve the quality of life of the rural population and enable them to meet their energy needs sustainably. The project aims to raise awareness in the target communities of the benefits and potential applications of solar technologies and thus promote their use.



Current project phase


Annual budget

CHF 984’335


Creating career prospects for 300 disadvantaged young people and young adults in the solar sector Access to electricity for eight vocational schools and eight public institutions as part of the participants’ practical training Reducing energy poverty in rural areas through the training of solar specialists Promoting solar technologies and renewable energies in Ethiopia


As part of the Solar Learning Ethiopia project, 300 unemployed young people and young adults are being trained in the installation, maintenance and marketing of solar systems in cooperation with vocational schools and solar companies. To implement the project, we form partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations, we work with like-minded organizations to support solar training and with microfinance companies to promote young entrepreneurs. The solar market is being further developed by the young people and by a model solar energy demonstration center for technology transfer.

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Project management

Florian Schlegel

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