Solar Advocacy

A broad package of measures is helping the solar sector in Ethiopia to achieve better institutional framework conditions and stronger networking within the industry.

Ethiopia is the third largest market in the world for off-grid solar after India and Nigeria. The solar sector has great potential to create jobs and income. Therefore, Solafrica developed the project Solar Learning Ethiopia together with local partners in 2017 to realise this potential with the approach of help for self-help. The project aims to train young Ethiopians in solar technology in order to find a long-term entry into the solar industry.

However, it has become apparent that access to the labour market is difficult for the young people despite their training. In order to better understand the reasons for this, Solafrica commissioned a market system analysis. This showed that there are many different obstacles that hinder the development of the solar market in Ethiopia (e.g. the lack of networking within the sector).

In order to remove these obstacles, Solafrica has now developed the Solar Advocacy Project. In a first phase, action projects to overcome the identified obstacles are developed and evaluated together with stakeholders in the Ethiopian solar market. The second phase will be dedicated to the implementation of the most promising projects.



Current project phase

2022-2024 (Phase II)

Annual budget

200’000 CHF

Implementing partner organizations


The aim of the project is to improve the functionality of the solar sector in Ethiopia globally. For this purpose, we are developing and implementing a series of action projects in the following 5 areas together with key stakeholders of the Ethiopian solar sector:

  • improvement of cooperation (network)
  • improving the institutional framework
  • promotion of awareness regarding the possibilities of solar energy
  • establishment and implementation of targeted training programmes
  • improvement of non-institutional framework conditions, in particular data collection on the Ethiopian solar market


The project Solar Advocacy places great emphasis on the close involvement of the Ethiopian solar sector. Thus, the lead in the development of the measure projects does not lie with Solafrica, but with the so-called core team. This team is made up of representatives from the private sector, the administration and the non-profit sector. Solafrica is primarily concerned with overarching issues such as process architecture, moderation, quality assurance and reporting.

In a first phase, measure projects are developed and evaluated in a multi-stage process by actors from the solar sector. In the second phase, the most promising projects are implemented. In parallel, we call on the actors of the solar sector to submit further draft measures, of which the most promising will be developed and implemented.

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Project management

Florian Schlegel

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