Refugees go Solar

The programme has been completed. Solafrica is developing a new project for the reintegration of returning migrants and refugees in their home country. Root & Branch is continuing the project under the name Solar+:

Refugees go Solar+ is an innovative and nationwide offer in the first labour market of the solar industry. Through an on-the-job industry qualification based on the three learning locations principle of Switzerland’s dual vocational training system, refugees are given a realistic chance to develop a long-term professional solution in the primary labour market with our partner companies.

With the joint programme Refugees go Solar+ (RgS+), Solafrica and Root & Branch, together with their partners from business, social services and the regional employment office, promote the labour market inclusion of refugees. The industry qualification begins with a two-month internship and is only completed when the participants have been able to work out and prove that they meet the minimum requirements for a permanent position or for a formal qualification in basic vocational training.

RgS+ offers young refugees in particular a promising entry into the Swiss vocational training system. Older persons receive a certificate of achievement through RGS+, which should enable them to find a job in the first labour market in the long term.

In addition to a national training and qualification network, the transregional inclusion network of solar companies and their suppliers and parent organisations is also intended to increase the chances of sustainable professional integration of persons willing or obliged to leave the country in a Dublin state, the country of origin or a safe third country with the help of transnational industry qualification and cross-border personnel placement.

The RgS+ programme is being implemented with the support of Swissolar, the State Secretariat for Migration and the Federal Office for Energy and numerous foundations (see below).



Current project phase


Annual budget

291’000 CHF

Implementing partner organizations

Supporting partner organizations


The central objective of RgS+ is to promote the labour market inclusion of refugees and at the same time to counteract the labour shortage in the booming global solar industry. The programme aims to provide uniform, nationwide training and qualifications for participants in accordance with the three-learning-places principle in a network of participating solar companies and their suppliers and parent organisations. In a larger context, the participants make a contribution to the global energy transition: An examination of solar technology sharpens the understanding of climate and environmental protection and promotes climate-friendly action.


According to the principle of the three learning locations of the Swiss dual vocational training system, the participants are accompanied and strengthened in their skills acquisition until they find a long-term, individual follow-up solution in the primary labour market and are supported in all matters of vocational inclusion. Similar to an apprenticeship company network, the programme providers Solafrica and Root & Branch assume the function of a lead organisation with regard to the training and qualification process.

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Project management

Maria Bongard

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