Become a sponsoring member

Become part of the solar revolution and support the work of Solafrica with a sponsoring membership.

Our sponsoring members…

  • receive information about current projects in the annual report.
  • receive the current solar vignette annually.
  • get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes during the Solafrica Evening.

Choose between the following two sponsoring memberships:

Spon­soring Member­ship Regular

80 CHF / year

Regular sponsoring members form the foundation of Solafrica.
As a small thank you, you will receive the solar vignette for your mobile phone.

Spon­soring Member­ship High Voltage

240 CHF / year

Sponsoring members of this level literally ensure high voltage in Africa. As a thank you, you will receive the solar vignette for your mobile phone and computer.

Ihre Spende wird im Dezember von einer gemeinnützigen Schweizer Stiftung verdoppelt.
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