
The Solafrica team is organised in a solacratic way. Solacracy is an agile form of organisation tailored to Solafrica, in which leadership tasks and responsibilities are distributed among the team members.

Instead of hierarchies, the focus is on dedicated roles and circles that reflect the different responsibilities and fields of activity. In this way, we promote a dynamic approach and equality in our day-to-day work, workflows and processes.

The Solafrica employees share 950 work percentages.

Elias Kost

Strategy and development

Elias Kost has been a key figure in the further development of Solafrica for over a decade. The former Managing Director represents the organization externally.

Florian Schlegel

Program East Africa

Florian Schlegel is an old hand. The program manager has been using his expertise to coordinate solar projects in Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania for more than ten years.

Maria Bongard

Program East Africa

Maria Bongard is project manager in the East Africa program. She is also developing a new project for the reintegration of returning migrants and refugees in their home country.

Luana Fombe

Luana Fombe

Central Services

Luana Fombe ensures that everything runs smoothly in the office. From HR to office organization, she keeps Central Services running smoothly and creates the framework in which our team can work efficiently.

Rebekka Gammenthaler

Institutional fundraising

Rebekka Gammenthaler is in contact with our institutional financing partners. She therefore forms an important bridge to our project managers.

Martin Wanner

 Scouts go Solar and Jugendsolar

Martin Wanner passes on knowledge about solar energy to younger generations. He also trains solar ambassadors in the global scout movement.

Anna opladen

Fundraising and Solarvignette

Anna Opladen is responsible for fundraising with private individuals. She also promotes more solar power in Switzerland with the popular solar vignette.

Fabienne Biedermann


Fabienne Biedermann is responsible for communications at Solafrica. She spreads stories from the projects across the various communication channels.

Martin Theiler

Solar Fuels project

Martin Theiler is working in Ethiopia to build up expertise in the conversion of renewable electricity into renewable fuels.

Renato Breitenstein

Central Services

When you find a solar vignette in your letterbox, Renato Breitensteins has a hand in it. He has the orders under control and keeps the dispatch running.

Anna Abel (maternity leave)

Program East Africa

Anna Abel is a program manager in the East Africa region. She also develops projects and devises strategies to help us achieve our goals.

Anouk Geurts

Anouk Geurts

Institutional fundraising

Anouk Geurts maintains the exchange with our institutional funding partners. She combines the needs of our partners with the objectives of our project teams.

Simon Mosimann

Simon Mosimann

Central Services

Simon has already completed his community service at Solafrica. He now works in Central Services to ensure that everything runs like clockwork.

Theo Werlen

Central Services

Nothing works in the Solafrica office without Theo Werlen. He manages the finances, takes care of personnel administration and pulls the strings in the background.

Tim Bacher

Tim Bacher

Marketing and Central Services

Tim Bacher creatively works in a variety of media. They write texts, do graphic design, take care of the database and coordinate the backend of the website.

Helene Genolet

Hélène Genolet

Program Santé Solaire

As program manager for Santé Solaire, she ensures that solar energy is available in Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo where it is most urgently needed – in the health centres.

Project Partners

Amsale Mulugeta

Managing Director Education for Sustainable Development

Amsale Mulugeta founded the Ethiopian relief organisation Education for Sustainable Development in 2009. Together with her team she works closely with local stakeholders in the Solar Learning Project in Ethiopia and ensures that the project runs smoothly.

abigael W. Okella

Managing Solar Mtaani

Abigael W. Okello is our partner in the Solar Learning Youth Centers and Solar Learning for Women projects in Kenya. She is responsible for working with local partner organizations and key stakeholders in government, the private sector and civil society.


Founder of ACRPE

Seidi Mohamed is head of the Santé Solaire program in Niger. He holds a master’s degree in «Planning and Projects for Third World Cities». He has been involved in various development projects in Niger for over 20 years.

Cète Tiendrebéogo

Managing Director Entreprise SETHI

Cète Tiendrebéogo manages the Santé Solaire program in Burkina Faso. Additionally, he is the regional coordinator for the program. The company SETHI, which he founded, is specialized in information technology and photovoltaic services, with a focus on the health sector. The project team includes other technicians and consultants.

Adideme Koutangni

President of the association Kekeli

Adideme Koutangni is a trained geographer and is head of the Santé Solaire program in Togo. Poverty reduction through own acquisition, sustainability and health of disadvantaged groups, among others women, are a major concern for Adideme Koutangni.

Board of Directors



Nadja Scherrer is a global marketing strategist with many years of experience in the sustainability sector. She is passionate about supporting Solafrica and emphasises that sustainable development must encompass the environment, people and the economy.



As a pioneer of Greenpeace and co-founder of Solafrica, Kuno Roth is intensively committed to a sustainable energy supply worldwide. His tireless efforts and his rich pool of experience are invaluable to Solafrica.

Christine Badertscher

Board Member

Christine Badertscher, National Council member of the Green Party, sees effective climate protection as an economic opportunity. Before studying agricultural sciences, she lived in Cameroon for a long time and therefore has a special connection to Africa.

Flora Conte

Board Member

Flora Conte studied environmental sciences at ETH Zurich. She specializes in renewable energies, recycling, agriculture and environmental audits. She also has many years of experience in international cooperation. As a former employee of Solafrica, she set up the Santé Solaire program.

David Stickelberger

David Stickelberger

Board Member

David Stickelberger studied geography and completed a postgraduate diploma in environmental studies. He has worked for Swissolar since 1998 and has helped shape the development of solar energy in Switzerland for decades. With in-depth knowledge of technology, education, politics and communication, he has an excellent network in the industry.

Isabelle Meier-Glauser

Isabelle Meier-Glauser

Board Member

Isabelle Meier-Glauser is a lawyer and certified real estate trustee with many years of experience in the financial and real estate sectors. At Solafrica, she contributes her expertise in sustainability, risk management, and corporate governance to align ecological and social responsibility with economic success.

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