About us

Solafrica is an independent Swiss non-profit organization striving for the promotion of solar energy. Solafrica is organized as a non-profit association and bears the Zewo seal of approval.

The grandmother of Barack Obama and Solafrica

The beginnings of Solafrica still lie today on the roof of a house in Kenya. More precisely: On the roof of the house of Sarah Obama, the grandmother of the former President of the United States of America. The year is 2009, and the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen is underway. Greenpeace wants to draw Barack Obama’s attention to the potential of renewable energies. Without further ado, and as part of a project, local young people installed a solar system on the roof of his grandmother’s house. In return, Sarah Obama wrote her famous grandson a letter.

From this highlight in Kenya emerged the independent Swiss non-profit organization Solafrica. Some ten years later, we are active with our innovative projects in five African countries. The objective is still the same: To provide access to clean energy in economically disadvantaged regions while protecting the climate.

Solafrica bears the Zewo seal of approval and aligns its projects with the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (SDG). In concrete terms, Solafrica focuses its activities on access to affordable, reliable and renewable energy for all (goal 7) and on immediate measures to combat climate change (goal 13).

Our Team

We are a young and dynamic team of about ten people, who implement and further develop the projects every day with a lot of enthusiasm. Get to know the faces behind Solafrica.

Annual Report and Articles of Association

There are good things to report from our projects every year. We summarize this in a compact form in our annual reports. Go all the way back to 2011.

Our Finances

We maintain a transparent approach when it comes to our resources. This is also underlined by our Zewo certification. Find out where our funds come from and how we use them.

Ihre Spende wird im Dezember von einer gemeinnützigen Schweizer Stiftung verdoppelt.
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