Solar Fuels

A center of excellence to produce renewable fuels is being established at Adama Science and Technology University in Ethiopia.

One of the central challenges of the energy transition is to bring the supply of renewable energies into line with the demand. Power-to-X, short P2X, makes exactly this possible by producing storable and transportable fuels from renewable electricity. When photovoltaic energy is used as a source of electricity, it is commonly referred to as solar fuel. In Ethiopia, solar fuels could soon become competitive thanks to particularly favorable framework conditions and thus make a decisive contribution to combating widespread energy poverty.

Today, biomass is the only affordable and available energy source for most of the population. The consequences of this are numerous and dramatic:

  • Despite intensive reforestation efforts, the forest area is constantly decreasing. This results in CO2 emissions and the loss of the ecosystem.
  • Fertile soil is lost due to erosion damage.
  • Droughts are increasing due to the soil and vegetation’s lack of water storage capacity.
  • There are health consequences (respiratory diseases, stillbirths) and economic consequences (increased effort to collect firewood) for the affected population, especially the women who are traditionally responsible for cooking.


The Ethiopian state wants to contribute to the Paris Climate Agreement and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by about two-thirds by 2030. To achieve this, the overexploitation of biomass resources – among Ethiopia’s largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions – must be stopped and reversed. But this is only possible if the population has access to alternative, clean energy sources. Solar fuels can make a decisive contribution here and relieve the notoriously overstretched electricity grid, which is being rapidly expanded and to which only about half of the population is connected today.



Current project phase

Fundraising Phase II

Annual budget

800’000 CHF


  • Prepare Ethiopia for the use of the key technology P2X for the energy and climate transition through applied research and teaching.

  • Raise awareness for P2X technologies and their potential among decision-makers in politics and administration, the private sector, and the public.

  • Paving the way for energy transition and diversification of energy supply in Ethiopia.


Together with our partners, we have planned a demonstration and research facility as well as a teaching and research program for P2X in Phase I.

In Phase II, the facility at Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) in Ethiopia is now to be realized, which can convert the solar power of a photovoltaic system the size of a tennis court into solar fuels. The research and demonstration facility will serve to establish a center of excellence for P2X technology at ASTU, which will train more than 10 specialists in the field each year.

Phase III involves an interdisciplinary research program dedicated to, among other things, increasing the efficiency of P2X technologies and the conception of commercial P2X plants in the specific context of Ethiopia. Furthermore, the necessary materials for political lobbying for P2X will be developed and distributed as part of the research phase.


Flyer Solar Fuels

Planning Phase Report


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Project management

Martin Theiler

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