Santé Solaire

The Santé Solaire project utilises the potential of solar energy to make an ecological contribution to improving healthcare in remote areas of Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo.

More than half of the health centres in sub-Saharan Africa have no or only an unreliable power supply. Energy poverty has a serious impact on medical care. Health centres in Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo struggle with poor lighting conditions, a lack of electricity and hardly any facilities for refrigerating vaccines and medicines.

Women giving birth and small children in particular, for whom the health centres are the first port of call, bear the sometimes fatal consequences. Rural health centres currently use expensive and environmentally harmful diesel generators to provide a minimal energy supply or only use torches to provide makeshift light. Santé Solaire wants to use sustainable solar energy to create local conditions that will make a significant contribution to improving the health of the rural population.



Current project phase


Annual budget

452 000 CHF

Implementing partner organizations

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  • Within 3 years, the basic electricity needs of 48 health centers in rural and peri-urban areas will be met sustainably and without interruption using solar energy.
  • Within 3 years, this has improved primary health care in 48 disadvantaged communities for about 100’000 people.
  • CO₂ emissions are reduced or preemptively avoided.


Primary health care in rural health centers will be improved by installing high-quality solar systems that will provide room lighting and power for small electronic devices. At some sites, a solar-powered refrigerator is provided to store vaccines and medications.

Health center staff receive in-depth and repeated training on the proper use and maintenance of equipment. Local solar companies perform repairs as needed. To ensure the long-term functionality of the solar plants, the local actors are mobilized, and the population is involved in the construction of the plant. The sites are selected according to need.

Exchanges between the program countries Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo are encouraged to share important lessons learned.

Would you like to support us?

Do you want to know more about this project?

Please contact us. We are happy to advise you personally.

Hélène Genolet

Project management

Hélène Genolet

+41 31 511 93 43

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